Meet the Artists
Maeve Danger
Shane Greenfield
Major(s) & Minor(s): Biocognitive Neuroscience (BCN)
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Oluwakemi Johnson
Major(s) & Minor(s): Industrial and Operations Engineering
I definitely know what I'm doing at any given time.
August Mashburn
Major(s) & Minor(s): Psychology, premed, sweetland writing, digital studies
Glitch art, also known as breaking things for fun.
Major(s) & Minor(s): Computer Science
hobby artist
Abby Sypniewski
Major(s) & Minor(s): Information and Digital Studies
Snoopy personified
Carina Gordon
Major(s) & Minor(s): Computer Science
Stay gold
Michael Russell
Major(s) & Minor(s): Art and Design, Art history Minor
Nothing can be accomplished through staying stagnant; change, and make yourself the better for it.
Carter Inosencio
Major(s) & Minor(s): Film, Television, & Media and Psychology
Award-winning author, Oscar-nominated actor, and single mother of 5
Amber Wei
Major(s) & Minor(s): Gender and Health; Community and Global Public Health
Where there's a will there's a Wei
Vero's Cartoon World
turn it off while it still has an off button
Atticus Spicer
Major(s) & Minor(s): Film, Televison & Media and writing
that's between you and God @nukownn (on Insta!) -
Lou Tennant C.
Some guy (and his word processing software)
Ezra Landon
Major(s) & Minor(s): English major, LGBTQ+ Sexuality Studies minor
orange pEEL
Fake librarian affirms their gender by pitching their voice down whilst examining how technology made for people with low vision often excludes the elderly
Hatcher Mice
Did you know that there's more to life than computers? Anti-information services will show you how to handle the next wifi catastrophe.